Posts Tagged ‘fair use’
Associated Press Interview Offers Some Insight on its Plans to Police Blogosphere
As the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Blog has been reporting, the Associated Press has already initiated an effort to impose its view of what constitutes fair use on the blogosphere. However, I came across today an interesting interview by Ars Technica, which offers some insight on how the Associated Press plans to go about policing…
Read MoreAnticipating Likely Copyright Battle, Amazon Backs Down Over Kindle 2 Audio Feature
Anticipating a likely copyright battle over its new Kindle 2 audio feature, Amazon has backed down on its previous position and announced that publishers and authors will be able to decide whether to enable the feature. The Author’s Guild first signaled that a fight was brewing when it issued a February 12th alert over the…
Read MoreAssociated Press Alleging Artist Stephen Fairey Infringed President Obama Photograph
Did artist Stephen Fairey commit copyright infringement when he painted the image of President Obama and based that painting on a photo owned by the Associated Press? The Associated Press has approached Mr. Fairey and is claiming that he has in fact infringed their copyrighted photo. A photo of course is generally protected under Copyright…
Read MoreShould the Blogosphere Adopt the Creative Commons Licensing Model?
A posting by Kevin Smith on the Scholarly Communications @ Duke Blog explores the argument that the academic world should consider adopting the Creative Commons Licensing system for their academic works. The article got me to thinking: should the blogosphere consider adopting the same model? Smith’s argument is that the problem with the current copyright…
Read MoreBlog Content Licensing: Is there a market for it?
PlagiarismToday raised an interesting question today when it asked if blog content licensing was dead. I have given several presentations on blog law issues now, but I must say that I had never really given thought to the issue of whether or not there was really a market for blog content licensing–beyond, of course, thinking…
Read MoreiTunes Music License: Is it Really Enforceable?
Is the iTunes Music License really enforceable? This is the question raised by F. Scott Kieff in a recent article for IP Law & Business. According to Kieff, the issue is as follows: the iTunes contract for service allows the customer to copy a song for a small number of times–the license provides that users…
Read MoreBlogosphere Reacts to Associated Press Assault on Fair Use Doctrine
Should the Associated Press have the right to set its own standards as to how much quoting from an Associated Press article constitutes fair use and how much requires the payment of a royalty? The Associated Press (“A.P.”) apparently thinks so, based on recent coverage of its plans to adopt blogging guidelines for quoting A.P.…
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