FTC’s Suit Against Intel: What Will Be the Impact on the Silicon Valley?

The Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) just filed suit against Intel this week, on the grounds that Intel’s “anti-competitive tactics have stifled innovation and harmed consumers.” The FTC’s press release on the suit states as follows: “The FTC’s administrative complaint charges that Intel carried out its anti-competitive campaign using threats and rewards aimed at the world’s…

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Electronic Frontier Foundation Launches New Site to Track Modifications to Online Terms and Conditions

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (“EFF”) has just launched a new website to track companies’ modifications to their terms and conditions: TOSback.org. According to an explanation on the website, TOSbackup.org was launched with the intention of increasing public awareness about online terms of service, and to help the public monitor changes to the terms of service…

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Series on ALI Software Contract Principles: Changes Default Rule from Implied Warranty to Implied Indemnification Against Infringement

As we posted yesterday, the American Law Institute has just approved its Principles of the Law of Software Contracts. As promised, we are launching today the first in a series of postings on the new Principles to educate our blog readers in the software industry on the practical implications of these Principles. If you have…

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Copyright Office Issues Response to Backlog Reports

The Copyright Office has issued a response to last week’s reports of a backlog at the Copyright Office. In an email sent out to Copyright Office subscribers, the Copyright Office stated as follows: A recent Washington Post article focused on the lengthy processing times the Copyright Office is experiencing in wake of its transition from…

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Trade Secret Litigation on the Rise Against Laid Off Employees

Given all the employee layoffs and the many companies struggling to survive the bad economy, it is almost inevitable that we would be seeing an upswing in trade secret litigation against former employees. Law.com reported this week on the trend, stating that much of this litigation is over information that the employee is taking out…

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Congress Set to Consider Leahy-Hatch, Kyl Patent Reform Bills

Congress is set to consider two newly introduced patent reform bills. The Leahy-Hatch bill, also known as the Patent Reform Act of 2009, was introduced on March 3, 2009.  The full text of  S. 515, the  Leahy-Hatch bill is attached. Following the introduction of the Leahy-Hatch bill, Senator Kyl introduced a second bill, S 610, which is also…

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Facebook Licensing Controversy Prompts Public to Take Closer Look at Social Networking Site Terms and Conditions

Following on the heels of a 2007 controversy over its privacy and advertising policies, Facebook has now set off a new controversy on the web with its decision to amend its terms and conditions, which deal with the licensing of content posted to its site. The provision at the heart of this controversy states as follows: You are solely responsible for…

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More on Renegotiating Contracts in the Bad Economy

Following up on my blog posting earlier this week on how the Bad Economy Presents an Opportunity to Renegotiate Contracts, I came across today a timely article addressing the same issue by The Wall Street Journal.  According to The Wall Street Journal, small businesses are having a lot of success in renegotiating contracts in the…

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Bad Economy Presents Opportunity to Renegotiate Contracts

While the bad economy has stopped much of the deal activity going on in the business world, the poor economy presents one opportunity that you may have overlooked: the opportunity to renegotiate your contracts. Why does a bad economy provide such a good opportunity for renegotiation?  Well, the answer is fairly obvious: in a bad…

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