Challenges of Negotiating a Licensing Deal with a Start-Up

I recently gave a webinar on Negotiating License Agreements with Start-Ups, and wanted to follow up on that program with some comments for Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog readers on some of the challenges that companies may face when negotiating an IP licensing deal with a start-up. In the years that I have worked…

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Trademark Commissioner Resigns over Allegations of Nepotism Law Violations

Trademark Commissioner Deborah Cohn was reported by The Washington Times to have announced her resignation today after allegations were reportedly made against her that she had violated nepotism laws.  A Federal Times article from July provides some additional background on the reported scandal. This particular Washington scandal has received virtually no coverage outside of the…

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Getty Images Copyright Dispute Against Microsoft to Challenge Legality of Recently Released Widget

Getty Images made news in the copyright world this week by filing a complaint against Microsoft Corporation in the Southern District of New York for “infringing and facilitating the massive infringement of [its] copyrights” through its release of the new Bing Image Widget service. To review the full complaint, click here. The case is significant…

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Steering Clear of Marketing Traps Around Milestone Events

If you are in the marketing/advertising business, your success depends largely on coming up with innovative new ways to promote a customer’s product or event offering.  Thus, when a milestone event arises in the sports, music, or film worlds, you may be inspired to try to capitalize on those events by tying your marketing efforts…

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Supreme Court to Hear Streaming TV Over the Internet Case

Like many cable and satellite TV consumers these days, I have been closely following the new options on the market for streaming TV service and hoping that the day will soon come when I can significantly reduce my monthly subscription costs without cutting off my access to live TV.   With the cost of living…

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