Posts Tagged ‘software’
The Prinz Law Office Launches New Copyright Law Meetup Group
The Prinz Law Office has just launched a new meetup group on copyright law issues in conjunction with the High Tech Section of the Santa Clara County Bar Association. The new meetup group will be called: Copyright, Software, Internet & Social Media and the Law. The firm anticipates having in-person as well as remote access…
Read MoreSeries on ALI Software Contract Principles: Clarify Rules on Implied and Express Warranties in Software Contracts
We continue today with our series on the new American Law Institute Principles of the Law of Software Contracts with a discussion of what software companies need to know about the Principles’ treatment of warranties. Again, for any of you who have not read our earlier postings on this subject, the importance of the Principles…
Read MoreSupreme Court Agrees to Hear Bilski Case: Decision to Have Broad Implications for Silicon Valley Companies
The Supreme Court agreed this week to hear the Bilski Case. Given the issues at the heart of Bilski, this case will be closely watched by the Silicon Valley business community, since any decision could have a far-reaching impact on the patentability of intellectual property developed by Silicon Valley businesses. What are the issues to…
Read MoreLicense Grant Language: How Should it be Drafted?
Ken Adams at Adams Drafting raised an interesting question about the proper drafting of a license grant in a software license. In particular, Adams questions the drafting of the following clause: Acme hereby grants Widgetco a nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide license to the Software (that license, the “License“). I agree with Adams…
Read MoreConsortia Licensing: Is this an ideal way to license intellectual property?
The Licensing Handbook Blog ran an interesting posting today on consortia agreements. I am currently in the middle of a consortia negotiation, so the posting caught my attention. The Licensing Handbook Blog posting responded to a posting by SpendMatters, which had stated that participating in purchasing consortia can be an excellent means of leveraging resources…
Read MoreiTunes Music License: Is it Really Enforceable?
Is the iTunes Music License really enforceable? This is the question raised by F. Scott Kieff in a recent article for IP Law & Business. According to Kieff, the issue is as follows: the iTunes contract for service allows the customer to copy a song for a small number of times–the license provides that users…
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