The Prinz Law Office Launches New Copyright Law Meetup Group

The Prinz Law Office has just launched a new meetup group on copyright law issues in conjunction with the High Tech Section of the Santa Clara County Bar Association.  The new meetup group will be called: Copyright, Software, Internet & Social Media and the Law.  The firm anticipates having in-person as well as remote access…

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License Grant Language: How Should it be Drafted?

Ken Adams at Adams Drafting raised an interesting question about the proper drafting of a license grant in a software license. In particular, Adams questions the drafting of the following clause: Acme hereby grants Widgetco a nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide license to the Software (that license, the “License“). I agree with Adams…

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iTunes Music License: Is it Really Enforceable?

Is the iTunes Music License really enforceable? This is the question raised by F. Scott Kieff in a recent article for IP Law & Business. According to Kieff, the issue is as follows: the iTunes contract for service allows the customer to copy a song for a small number of times–the license provides that users…

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