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Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog By Kristie Prinz



IP and Technology Licensing News and Issues

Kristie Prinz to Speak at Practicing Law Institute Program
IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz Introduces The Prinz Law Office
Should Your Company Audit its Key Customer Contracts in a Sluggish Economy?
IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz Selected as 2024 Super Lawyer California
The Prinz Law Office Announces Launch of New Service Offerings Effective August 1, 2024
Kristie Prinz to Speak on Negotiating SaaS Contracts in an Uncertain Economy
Lessons to be Learned from Today’s Worldwide Tech Breakdown over a Software Update
Should Your Company Rethink Its Software Agreement?
Introduction to Kristie Prinz, Technology Business Lawyer
Kristie Prinz Explains Why Not to Use the Term “SaaS License”
Kristie Prinz Interview with Patrick Reilly on Technology Licensing
The Prinz Law Office Launches New Subscription Plans
Maintenance Agreements: How to Ensure Your Revenue Stream Continues Through the Recession
Should You Look to Your Intellectual Property Portfolio to Get Through This Recession?
Copyright Reform: Is it Time to Take Patent Reform Off the Table and Work on Copyright Reform?
Should the Blogosphere Adopt the Creative Commons Licensing Model?
Retired NFL Players Win Verdict Against Union For Failing to Include Them in Licensing Deals
United States Patent and Trademark Office
U.S. Copyright Office
Licensing Executives Society, Silicon Valley Chapter
Trade Secrets Case Provides Important Lesson to Employers and Employees on the Significance of Employment Agreements
Corporate Designs: Does Your Business Really Have the Rights to its Designs?
Cutting Legal Costs by Investing in Good Templates
Open Source Licensing: Is it a Viable Business Model?
License Grant Language: How Should it be Drafted?
Obtaining CARES Act Relief to Sustain Your Company Through the Coronavirus Crisis
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog Attorney Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships”
The Prinz Law Office Announces Opening of San Francisco Office
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Best Practices for Drafting Master Service Agreements & Managing the Service Relationship”
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships”
New Expansion of CFIUS Powers Concerns Silicon Valley Dealmakers
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements” for Clear Law Institute
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog Sponsor Announces New “Subscription Model” Option for Legal Clients
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests”
Supreme Court Decision Sides with Silicon Valley over Legality of Inter Partes Review (“IPR”)
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests”
Software Licenses: How Do You Recognize a Poorly Written Contract?
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests”
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Drafting Software Hosting Agreements: Service Availability, Performance, Data Security, and Other Key Provisions”
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog’s Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating Software As a Service Contracts”
Software Contracts Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak at Webinar on “Drafting SaaS Contracts” Sponsored by The Prinz Law Office
Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to be featured speaker for “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” Webinar Hosted by Clear Law Institute
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests”
Controversial Ninth Circuit Ruling May Limit the Availability of the DMCA Safe Harbor for Websites Relying on Moderators
SaaS Contracts: Is Your SaaS Contract Extending Your Sales Cycle?
Passage of Defend Trade Secrets Act Provides Silicon Valley Companies New Trade Secret Enforcement Tools
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz to Speak at Upcoming Webinar on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts”
The Prinz Law Office Launches New Copyright Law Meetup Group
Supreme Court Rules Patent Invalidity is Not a Defense to Induced Patent Infringement Claim in Commil USA Case Against Cisco Systems
Taking Time to “Date” Before Pursuing an IP Acquisition “Marriage”
Should You Follow the Advice of this Start-up if Approached with a Demand Letter by a So-Called ‘Patent Troll’?
Copyright Reform on the Table in Congress: Songwriter Equity Act of 2015 Introduced in the House of Representatives
Lessons from the Copyright Infringement Verdict Against Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams
Pitfalls in Negotiating and Drafting Exclusive Licensing Deals: Lessons from Macy’s Dispute with JcPenney’s Over its Martha Stewart Product Line
Practical Tips on Choosing your Start-Up’s Name
Recent Interview of Kristie Prinz for World Trademark Review
Challenges of Negotiating a Licensing Deal with a Start-Up
Successfully Managing Intellectual Property Disputes as an Early-Stage Start-up
Trademark Commissioner Resigns over Allegations of Nepotism Law Violations
Getty Images Copyright Dispute Against Microsoft to Challenge Legality of Recently Released Widget
Twitpic’s Abrupt Announcement to Shut Down over Trademark Dispute: Convenient Excuse or Full Story?
Landmark Copyright Verdict Against Media Companies Serves as Cautionary Tale to All
Supreme Court Rules that Patent Owner Bears Burden of Proving Infringement in Licensing Dispute
Steering Clear of Marketing Traps Around Milestone Events
Supreme Court to Hear Streaming TV Over the Internet Case
Copyright Office Seeking Comments on Possible Change to Small Claims Remedies
Google Reaches Settlement with Book Publishers in Copyright Infringement Case
Google Announces Controversial Decision to Factor Receipt of DMCA Notices into Ranking of Websites
PayPal Launches New Internet Controversy over Decision to Censor Erotica Content Sold through Platform
Apple Trademark Dispute with Proview Becomes a Global Fight
SOPA Blackout Protesters Succeed in Tabling SOPA and PIPA Bills; Focus Shifts to OPEN Act
Lessons for Silicon Valley Companies in Apple Trademark Dispute
Silicon Valley Prepares for SOPA Blackout Day Observation
What does Patent Reform mean for Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs?
Amazon, Google, Wall Street Journal Move to Modify Applications on Apple App Store
The Prinz Law Office Launches the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog
How Does an Entrepreneur Protect His or Her Ideas for Launching a New Start-Up?
Hiring a Third Party to Create for You? Don’t Forget the Copyright Assignment
Trying to Save Money with Do-It-Yourself Trademark Filings? How to Avoid Creating a More Expensive Headache for Yourself
New Start-Ups Should Consider Collaboration Agreement as Alternative to Equity Agreement
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz Profiled in TheSciTechLawyer
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz Discusses Intellectual Property Licensing with IP Society’s Patrick Reilly
Technology Transfer Tactics Interviews Kristie Prinz on Tech Transfer Commercialization Dilemma
Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Issues Ruling Which Affirms Rights in an Exclusive License to Joint Intellectual Property
FTC’s Suit Against Intel: What Will Be the Impact on the Silicon Valley?
Series on ALI Software Contract Principles: Clarify Rules on Implied and Express Warranties in Software Contracts
Electronic Frontier Foundation Launches New Site to Track Modifications to Online Terms and Conditions
IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares A Brief Guide to Intellectual Property
Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz shares Recording “Employee Blogs and Websites: How to Protect Your Company from the Legal Risk of Workers Going Online”
IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz shares Recording on Leveraging an IP Portfolio in the Development of Partnering Relationships
Tech Transactions Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares Presentation and Recording on Getting Started with Drafting a Nondisclosure Agreement: A Brief Guide to the Elements and Key Considerations
Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Bilski Case: Decision to Have Broad Implications for Silicon Valley Companies
Patent Licensing Attorney Kristie Prinz Shares Presentation on A Tale of Two Patent Infringement Cases and Their Impact on the VoIP Industry
Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares PowerPoint on Hottest Topics in Cyberspace: Cyberinsurance, Blogs, and On-Line Advertising
Associated Press Interview Offers Some Insight on its Plans to Police Blogosphere
Silicon Valley IP Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares Catalyst Program IP Workshop: Licensing Checklist
Series on ALI Software Contract Principles: Changes Default Rule from Implied Warranty to Implied Indemnification Against Infringement
American Law Institute Approves Principles of the Law of Software Contracts
Copyrights: Lessons and Practice Tips from Recent Cases
E-Commerce: Ruling Brings to Light DMCA’s Broad Scope
Copyright Office Issues Response to Backlog Reports
Copyright Office Announces Fee Increases Effective August 1, 2009
Backlog Issues No Longer Limited to USPTO; Copyright Office Also Experiencing Long Delays
Blogosphere Reacts to Licensing Terms for Amazon’s New Kindle Publishing for Blogs
Trade Secret Litigation on the Rise Against Laid Off Employees
Copyright Infringement on the Internet: Problem is No Longer Confined to Entertainment industry
Collaborating Can Create Legal Headaches if the Appropriate IP Agreements Are Not in Place
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News Interviews Kristie Prinz on Patent Reform
Congress Set to Consider Leahy-Hatch, Kyl Patent Reform Bills
Decision Reached in Case that Challenged Patent Rulemaking Authority by USPTO
Anticipating Likely Copyright Battle, Amazon Backs Down Over Kindle 2 Audio Feature
Facebook Adopts Townhall Format to Allow Users to Comment and Vote on New Statement of Rights and Responsibilities
Facebook Reverses Decision and Announces Temporary Return to Prior Terms and Conditions
Facebook Licensing Controversy Prompts Public to Take Closer Look at Social Networking Site Terms and Conditions
Associated Press Alleging Artist Stephen Fairey Infringed President Obama Photograph
More on Renegotiating Contracts in the Bad Economy
Is Your Business Infringing on the Intellectual Property in Other Companies’ Logos?
Bad Economy Presents Opportunity to Renegotiate Contracts
Should Your Business Conduct an IP Licensing Audit?
Consortia Licensing: Is this an ideal way to license intellectual property?
Yahoo Music to Shut Down Service, Issue Refunds to Customers
Blog Content Licensing: Is there a market for it?
iTunes Music License: Is it Really Enforceable?
Blogosphere Reacts to Associated Press Assault on Fair Use Doctrine
Supreme Court to Consider Fantasy Baseball Case: Do Players’ Names and Statistics Constitute Major League Baseball Intellectual Property?
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